
Juvenile 6 - Unforgettable experience

Cirque du Soleil - Alegría - watch the video and tell me what you think.

Hello guys,

As you know, Cirque du Soleil is coming to town again on September 18. I am very excited about it!
Attending their show "Alegría" last year was one of the best experiences I´ve ever had. In fact, it was the most beautiful and touching performance I have ever seen, unforgettable!
Have you ever been to any of their shows? Would you like to?
Have you ever had an unforgettable experience?
Let´s share our experiences here!



Juvenile 5 wiki

Well guys, this is your cultural wiki page. You should look up information about rules and behaviors in different countries. Consider laws, school rules, social behaviors, family habits, working issues, housing, and anything else you can think of, and use the appropriate modal verbs when describing the situations. Check my example:

Juvenile 5 Wiki

Home and school rules II

Now that you have written your examples, it´s time to record them. Click on the link below and follow my directions:

Voice Thread

Home and school rules

1. Click on the CTJ E-Folder links below in order to practice the structures you have learned in the last three classes to talk about home and school rules: CAN, CAN´T, HAVE TO, DON´T HAVE TO, MUST, MUST NOT.

E-Folder - task 1

E-Folder - Task 2

E-Folder - Task 3

2. Now that you have done exercises, it´s time to put this grammar point into practice.

Talk to your partner about the following situations:

- What you can do at home.
- What you can´t do at home.
- What you have to do at home.
- What you don´t have to do at home.
- What you must do at school/ at CTJ.
- What you must not do at school/ at CTJ.

Use as many examples as you can think of.

3. You can now leave a comment to this post by writing sentences using all the modal verbs above.